Our Strategic Plan - Trinity Towards 2030
On behalf of the Trinity Anglican College Council and Leadership Team, we are truly delighted to present the Trinity Toward 2030 Strategic Plan to our community.
It represents an ambitious and dynamic vision for our College, and for regional education nationally. We have a magnificent and inspiring community including our students, families and staff, and we are deeply committed to supporting, uplifting and celebrating this in everything that we do. This strategic plan has been informed by extensive community consultation, and we hope that each and every member of our community will feel heard, seen and cared for in the actions this plan outlines. Trinity is very fortunate to be an Anglican Schools Commission (ASC) school, a system of 16 schools across Western Australia, NSW and Victoria, that champion educational excellence with an accessible fee structure. It is with the support of the ASC, that Trinity can pursue this expansive strategy. We are grateful that you are a member of our community, and we are excited for you to be part of Trinity Toward 2030.
Read the plan below, or you can download a copy here.
Mrs Fiona Elgin, Chair of Council & Dr Adrian Johnson, Principal

Living Our Anglican Identity
At Trinity, we dedicate ourselves to nurturing a vibrant Anglican Identity which is distinctly ours. We achieve this outcome through continuous learning, inclusive participation and active service. We will continue to forge meaningful partnerships, empower student leadership, and integrate spiritual growth into every aspect of school life.
This will be achieved by:
- Ensuring staff, students, and parents and caregivers learn what is it to be part of an Anglican community
- Continuing to grow our distinct Anglican Identity in our context
- Fostering our lived Anglican Identity through a dynamic Service Learning Program
- Promoting meaningful links between learning in RaVE, Chapel and Service Learning Programs

Demonstrating Inspiring Leadership and Sound Governance
By embracing the ASC Governance Charter, we shall navigate strategic decisions with rigour and, in terms of compliance, assurance. A commitment to collaborative and accountable leadership will underpin a future of innovation and sustainability. This approach will set the standard for regional education and excellence in educational leadership.
This will be achieved by:
- Ensuring robust Governance by the Trinity Anglican College Council
- Growing transformational leaders who inspire, encourage and shape future success at Trinity
- Advancing organisational compliance, strategy, innovation, sustainability and growth

Delivering Engaging Experiences
We are committed to evidence-based teaching – growing in our students a passion for learning and active global citizenship. We take pride in crafting holistic educational experiences from Kindergarten to Year 12, enriched by innovative pedagogies and comprehensive support systems. All this takes place within dynamic learning spaces at the College which are bolstered through collaborative partnerships beyond our gates. We will broaden our students’ educational horizons and empower the leaders of tomorrow.
This will be achieved by:
- National leadership in best practice teaching and learning in a regional context
- Transforming student learning through engaging, individualised and supported learning programs
- Growing a dynamic Co-curricular Program which fosters diverse interests and opportunities
- Supporting a love of learning by creating positive and inspiring spaces

Valuing Our People and Community
We commit to embracing and empowering all members of our community to contribute to Trinity’s transformative journey. Fostering supportive relationships, we build bridges within and across generations, while forging dynamic partnerships with educational institutions and industry to shape a shared future.
This will be achieved by:
- Families feeling welcomed and engaged at every stage of their educational journey at Trinity
- Students feeling valued and connected at every stage (K - 12 and beyond)
- Staff appreciating their vital role in positively influencing their colleagues and the students in their care
- Extending the Trinity community to include an active Collegians Association
- Developing collaborative partnerships for the benefit of our community

Celebrating Who We Are
We will reimagine the reporting of student participation, progress and achievement to offer a comprehensive snapshot. We celebrate diversity through intentional inclusivity. By recognising the achievements of our students, staff, families and Collegians, we foster a community of celebration and engagement.
This will be achieved by:
- Celebrating our students and their endeavours and achievements
- Acknowledging the unique perspectives of our Indigenous students, staff and parents
- Showcasing the worth, efforts and accomplishments of our staff
- Acknowledging and celebrating our families and Collegians
- All members of our community feeling a sense of accomplishment through the realisation of this ambitious Strategic Plan

Anglican Schools Commission (Inc)
The Anglican Schools Commission (Inc.) (ASC) owns 16 schools across Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales.
Our schools are low-fee co-educational schools located throughout the Perth metropolitan area and in regional areas of WA, NSW and Victoria. Our schools offer outstanding teaching and learning in a caring, Christian environment.
Each school is a unique community with its own individual strengths and specialist programs, but each school shares the common values of faith, excellence, justice, respect, integrity and diversity.
As the system headquarters, the ASC provides support to our existing schools as well as exploring opportunities to create new low-fee Anglican schools in areas of demand.

Trinity Towards Tomorrow
Trinity Towards Tomorrow - a building program for our campus that has been developed to support our student-centred programs over the coming years.
This exciting development includes brand new state-of-the-art facilities including:
- Two multi-level contemporary buildings
- Junior School Building: 12 classrooms and associated spaces
- Senior School Building: 12 classrooms and associated spaces
- A purpose-built performing arts centre with four specialist classrooms plus rehearsal rooms and a performance space
- Redeveloped bus drop-off/pick-up zones
- Upgraded sporting facilities
- Associated car parking